(a) to maintain an active, reciprocal communications channel between retired faculty and University administrators for discussions of matters of mutual importance.
(b) to maintain effective and efficient pathways whereby retired faculty can continue to contribute to University programs and activities.
(c) to cooperate with the University to continuously disseminate to all retired faculty information about ongoing academic, administrative, cultural, and social activities in which retired faculty may participate.
(d) to promote communication and collegiality among members of RFUF.
(e) to develop and sponsor new activities as desired by the retired faculty.
(f) to encourage and support programs and activities in pursuit of a more meaningful retirement.
Bylaws of the Retired Faculty of UF
Bylaws of the Retired Faculty of UF
RFUF Board Statement on Academic Freedom
RFUF Board Statement on Academic Freedom
UF and the Future of US Public Higher Education
UF and the Future of US Public Higher Education
RFUF Statement re Florida House Bill 999